Day 7 Twenty-Nine Palms to Middle of nowhere 25 miles


When I am in the city I am inundated with chores, and responsibilities. I interact with other humans constantly. At times it feels like if I am not around things will stop. I know this is false though. I know because my world stopped one day and the earth kept turning. People’s lives continued while I became part of their past. Now I am on a journey and I am reminded that I am a speck in the universe. In fact I am a speck on a speck. When you run through an empty desert with looming clouds and gusty winds, you can feel the grand vastness of the universe. You can hear the thoughts of the world clearly as all the elements speak. Not everyone is willing to listen though.

The work I put in day after day will create opportunities. I have faith that destiny is fulfilled when you take care of the moment. The universe has conspired to put things into place. It is helping me fulfill my mission.

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