Day 36 Querino Rd. to the outskirt of Gallup 26 miles


I was beginning to feel detached from the world. I’m not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. The highlight of my day was the milestone of crossing another border. I knew I only had sixteen miles to run before I ran into another state. I stopped a few feet short of the border for lunch with my mom at Speedy’s truck stop. I was lucky to eat a bean and cheese burrito that was fried. Chimichangas are usually made with meat so I very rarely get this kind of treat. The thing is, I really wasn’t ready to have lunch. Just a little ways after passing the New Mexico border my body rebelled. Stomach cramps set in for a couple miles. It wasn’t until I saw some horses grazing by the side of the road that I forgot about the pain. There was a foal with three adults. I think the mother’s protective instincts kicked in and she ushered the young horse through an underpass which ran underneath the I 40 freeway. I was able to get a little bit of video and a couple of photos though.

I remembered I had some language lessons on my ipod. I took it out and began to fidget with it when I recieved a text message from Anna and Adam at home base. They informed me we have another school booked for next week. So, I crossed a border, booked a school, and finished early. Not a bad day at all. I did have to set my clock one hour forward though to compensate for another time zone. Regardless, it’s still pretty close to perfect.

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