Day 136 Upper Sandusky to Galion 31 miles


The last thing I need on the home stretch is an enthusiastic telemarketer breaking my stride and draining my cell phone battery. These callers always have a knack for calling at the worst time. I don’t care how many times they’ve watched “Death of a Salesman” but, they have no chance of closing here. The irritation in my voice should alert them that I’m not interested. Yet, the persistence is unbelievable. I’ve resorted to hanging up on them when I hear their intro. But, who knows, maybe if one of them comes at me with something spectacular I will bite.

It’s been three states of running past vast farmland. There are few distractions. Clarity is the only option. When there is no clutter, things become very simple. Answers to age old questions reveal themselves. I have had the time to think deep thoughts as well as time to think about nothing at all. The occasional passing car or wild animal will surely attract my attention but for the most part it has been a conversation with nature.

Back in the day, people gave places names like Whispering Pines, or Whispering Winds. I think it’s because a couple generations ago people spoke to nature. And, nature spoke back. Nature has a language. She has plenty to say and when you turn a deaf ear, she makes her voice heard. It is best to listen when she whispers because she will guide you and care for you. I began listening to the voices in the wind many years ago. They brought me every story I have written since. The voice has taken me on this fantastic journey and kept me safe. Best of all, it has led me to the doorsteps of many new friends.

I think it is more difficult to hear her voice amid the commotion of the city. Very often her voice is drowned out by a boss screaming about one thing or another. There are also a multitude of distractions which vie for our attention. The most powerful of these distractions is the good friend that wants to pull you into some trouble. I’ve been guilty of being that friend on a few occasions. It seems to me that it all goes back to keeping a balance. I think the people that hear the whispering understand what I’m talking about. I’m sure the rest of you think I’m on crack.

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