Nutrition is 80% – 21 miles


Dennis, Drew and JimWhen we look at pictures of well sculpted bodies or when we watch elite athletes we are seeing the byproducts of a strict exercise regimen and proper nutrition. Many of us watch in awe. There is no reason to be in awe though. You can have the same results with patience and dedication.

There are athletes who forgo the nutrition and rely solely on their god given talent. That can take a person far but it will never take the person to the pinnacle. Excellence is a combination of talent, determination, hard work, and focus. These attributes contribute 20% to success. The other 80% comes in the form of nutrition. Nutrition seems like it would be the easiest component to control. But, a bite of cake can look deceptively innocent. An athlete that wants to be the very best must make sacrifices.

When I taper dowblueberriesn and ease up on my training, I allow myself more slack. I will occasionally  indulge in rich foods. As of now I’m tapering up. My daily mileage will climb back towards my average of 30+ per day. I’m substituting sugary drinks for freshly blended fruit juices with chia. The baked goods have given way to fiber rich bars. For protein I’m consuming tasty peanuts and cashews.

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