Day 161 Edison, NJ. to Union City, NJ 32 miles


The temperature dropped over ten degrees today. I felt amazingly strong. After the record heat of the past few days, today seemed like a piece of cake. Of course after nearly half a year of running you’d think I’d know better than to think the cooler weather meant smooth sailing. The first eighteen miles flew without a hitch but then I decided to take a lunch break.

The Chinese food hit my stomach like a rock and I felt crippled for the next half hour. I continued on because despite my achy tummy, something about being so close keeps me restless. After my stomach ache dissipated some cool rain began to fall. I liked it at first but then I remembered I was running with a camera in my pocket...

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Day 160 Hamilton, NJ. to Edison 30 miles


OK, it was only 99 today. Actually it probably topped 100 again but I didn’t feel it. I was occupied with taking the steps to carry me to the end. The thing is, it’s not about the endpoint. It was really about the journey. We’ve all heard it many times before but, it’s true. The destination is but a minute. Then it’s over. The journey is what stays with you for a lifetime.

I’ve found so many answers over the course of these past six months. But answers are only important when you are asking the right questions. I’ve discovered that the path to redemption is not easy. But, it is satisfying. I’ve learned that my heart is stronger than I believed. It still has plenty of love left inside. I’ve learned that you don’t need to be a super star to make an impact on a child...

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Day 159 Pennsauken NJ. to Hamilton NJ 26 miles


96 degrees, 98 degrees, 100 degrees, 105 degrees and climbing!!!! Please stop. I’m not the wicked witch of the west and I don’t want to melt away. It was hot early in the morning when I rolled out of bed. I don’t know what I was thinking when I rolled back in. The air conditioner was nice but staying in bed wasn’t going to make my run any cooler. My mind repeated, “your so close!!” while my body screamed at my mind, “I want to sleep”. My mind succumbed with the stipulation that I wouldn’t complain once I hit the road. Fair enough.

I was starved when I woke up the second time around. I needed food before I hit the road. That meant delaying my run into the worst hours of midday. Am I a masochist?? Possibly. I will say one thing though. My body knew best...

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