A day can start off terribly but the ending is ultimately in our hands


A day can start off terribly but the ending is ultimately in our hands. Those that know me would say I’m positive to the point of being delusional. I’m always the master of myself and I try not to let outside factors dictate my feelings. Today was different. I don’t know if mercury was in retrograde or if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed but I had “One Of Those Days”. I guess that means I’m not impervious to the perils of life. But then again, how do you think you would feel if you just ruined the engine of the car of one of your family members? Yep, it was a bad start. When the mechanic said it wasn’t worth fixing the tone of the day was set.

When days like this try to bring me down I try to remember where I was sitting one year ago...

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A way to see
A way to change your destiny
Knowledge is power
Our strongest weapon
Against enslavement
Attainment of something higher
Lighting fires
The desire to make life better
The keys to unlocking the doors of ignorance are on paper pages
Cages can no longer contain
Or restrain
The enlightened need never be frightened
The signs are everywhere
Read them now
And if you can
Teach another how

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Words are everywhere. They are a beautiful thing


Words are everywhere. They are a beautiful thing. They are helpful as well as sad, funny, entertaining, and esoteric. They make us think. They give us direction. They are the lyrics to our favorite love songs. They move us towards action. The written word is important on so many levels. Because of them, we are able to feel the emotion of someone who lived three hundred years ago. Because of words, we are able to learn from past mistakes. Because of words I will not get lost. Because of words I can operate machines. Because of words I have options.

Alksjdf goiau rn sb ?fgku ioau… ulfgjoiaurlf.. oubyueoir’sd.ds.

How can you say that doesn’t mean anything to you? Can’t you read? Imagine if everywhere you turned you only saw gibberish...

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