Today I received contact from this lady named Stephanie Cleveland. She started an organization called Making Miracles 4 Cystic Fibrosis. I have learned that the government doesn’t provide funding to reaserch a cure for this condition. Why? I don’t know. But, there are organizations like Making Miracles 4 Cystic Fibrosis that are doing something about it.
My friend Big Dave has CF and he’s the one that brought the cause to my attention. He has this condition and it affects the lungs and pancreas. I’m not really in the know about medical terms and technical words but from what I understand, when a person has CF, the lungs can get congested with a thick mucus. With age the condition worsens. While physical activity is a good thing, I read that a marathon is not advised. This made me sad. I think anytime I hear someone denied something reasonable it makes me sad.
When Dave explained to me what kind of pain a person with this condition can go through, I told him I would raise money for this cause as well. He keeps such a positive and cheery personality. I’d like to believe that I’d be that strong as well. But, I just don’t know if I would be. He’s super funny and he tells a million offensive jokes. But, to know him is to know that he doesn’t mean them. It’s similar to how the vice president of the Papa Didos Ideals Foundation, Mike Valenzuela and I first got on. We’d spend hours having laughs at the stereotypes of our respective ethnicities but at the end of the day we both deeply appreciated each other’s culture. It’s true. He has become one of my best friends.
In any event, I know in my heart that I will be able to make a difference. Even if it’s just a drop. Hey we can’t have an ocean without that first drop of water right? I asked Dave if the goal of twenty thousand dollars was too small. He assured me that anything I could do was very much appreciated. I would love to raise more for their organization I just don’t know what kind of response my run will get. I don’t know what kind of publicity I will be able to generate. I’m not a celebrity of any kind nor do I have a desire to be in the spotlight. What I want to do is reach people. I want people to see that someone just like them is taking the responsibility of making this world a better place. I believe we really can make a difference and I’m going to prove it. Kids will probably understand what I’m doing better than adults. I guess it’s because the world hasn’t knocked them down and taken away that true compassion they possess.
The funny thing about this journey is that I started out by saying “I would try to raise some money”. Now I say, “I will raise money!” I will sacrifice my comfort, my time, and my body. Actually it’s not a sacrifice at all. This journey was originally supposed to just be about me. Now it is about so much more. I hope people will at least stop at the website for just a moment and take a minute to find out what they do. I hope what I’m doing will speak to people. I would love for them to look at me and say, “hey, if this dude can make a difference so can I.”
November | 2010
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