There are times in life when we are faced with the decision of whether or not a friend is beneficial. You know the one, the guy that is always trying to get everyone ripped and wasted. He’s the one you catch lying to his friends to get what he wants. It is for his own selfish and pathetic reasons that he does this. Having a soft side, I often try to justify my friend’s actions but at some point it becomes necessary to cut the ties. Being about two months away from my journey, the last thing I need is someone who has no interest in helping me become a better person. He has no desire to do something for humanity, society, or the planet. He seems lost. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in having a good time and blowing off steam. And, of course I’m the last one to lecture anyone but, I am on a pure and good path and there is one individual which seems bent on trying to derail me from my mission. I don’t think he understands the meaning of life.
Two nights ago I finished a great day of weights followed by a pool workout. It was my day out of the week to break from my running program. This friend of mine sent me a text wanting to go out for the evening. I didn’t reply which should have been a good indicator to leave me alone. It turns out that he was invited to the apartment where we were having a barbeque poolside. My first instinct was to leave when I heard that he was coming by. Unfortunately he already knew I was there. When he arrived, he invited me out saying that if I went, a girlfriend of his would bring along a friend. I contemplated the evening and scrutinized his motives. Not having socialized with women for some time I agreed to go out. I should have been used to this tactic of his already. On several other occasions he got me to take him around by saying he would introduce me to artists and illustrators for my books. Yet they never showed up. This time was no different. In so many respects I am disappointed in myself. I should have known better. I never have a good time going to the same stupid bar. And I always have to drive him. Yes I hold myself responsible for my misery but I am also angry with this individual. I have stressed to him the importance of my upcoming run several times. I have even lost my temper on a previous occasion. So was this the straw that broke the camel’s back? I don’t know. But for my own sake I think I can’t hang out with him until I reach my goal.
November | 2010
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