How hard can I push my body until it breaks?


How hard can I push my body until it breaks? Where are our boundaries? What is the absolute limit? Will I be able to push myself further than my body will allow? I’ve been meaning to write about my nutrition and training in preparation for my long journey. I’ve been asking opinions of doctors, trainers, and other runners. One thing is clear. I will need to consume an enormous amount of calories. Even then, I will still probably drop a couple of pounds.

The past couple of days my workouts have been all day affairs. I start with a run then I consume some food. I move into a regimen of weights followed by another run. The result of this intensive training is that some of the muscles in my upper body are sore.  It’s the price I pay for neglecting the parallel bars for so long. I must reintegrate dips into my daily routine. It’s a remarkable exercise that uses a person’s own body to make them stronger.  In my opinion many of the best exercises are done with no fancy equipment. I guess I’m just a bit old school in my train of thought.

My hunger is so intense and I find myself eating anything I can get my hands on. Of course not everything because I am a vegetarian.  Many of my friends worry about my nutrition. They wonder if I will receive enough protein on this run. I look at it this way, elephants can walk seventy miles a day, stallions can run like the wind, and gorillas can lift enormous amounts of weight. These animals are all vegetarians. I know I can do it. A variety of nuts and beans should give me an ample amount of protein while a high carbohydrate intake should keep my energy levels up. Of course, I plan on hitting a hot tub whenever possible as well as taking many power naps.

With forty-three days until I take off, there are still so many question marks. But I believe that because I have done everything in my power to prepare for this adventure, things will turn out fine. As I always say, it’s about taking the steps one at a time. Any goal is attainable.

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