Took off this morning right out the front door of the hotel. I wanted to run right away but, I couldn’t help but walk the first couple miles and take pictures. The red rocks of Sedona are mind blowing. About a mile just outside of town I had to cross an insanely high bridge.
I mean insanely high! People aren’t allowed to walk over it but, I’m on a mission to cross the United States on foot. I guess I had no other choice but to disregard the sign and cross. After that it was a steady climb. Most of the trip I ran alongside flowing water. It was tranquil, scenic, and spiritual. The steep climb came around mile thirteen. I was surprised the altitude wasn’t higher. I guess I was expecting a mountain like you find in the Rockies. I was also expecting a downhill run. It never really came. It seemed like the hills rolled all the way to Flagstaff. Today the stars must have been aligned though.
I ran from the Kokopelli Suites straight shot to the Hilton Garden on west Forest Meadows. Anna and Adam deserve mad props for arranging the hospitality and keeping today’s run so efficient. The day would have been perfect had I not been practically clipped from behind by a car trying to pass an RV. The guy was a reckless driver and I’m lucky I wasn’t close to the edge of the cliff at that moment. Now I’m ready to sleep. I’m expecting several people to come running with me this week.
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