Day 37 The outer edge of Gallup to Gallup 7 miles


I wanted to keep today light because I figured the body needs rest to repair itself. I figure it will help me push harder and further. I just haven’t decided whether or not tomorrow should be a rest day as well. My mom came out and did a couple miles today as well. She surely needed the exercise. Before we began this journey she would walk several miles every day but often times while on the road, she has elected to stay in the car. I’m glad she got out and took in some fresh air. It was very windy though.

While we walked we recounted some of the generous souls we have come across. I thought of the individuals who believe in the power of reading. Many of the problems we see in the world today would find a degree of relief with more educated people. Literacy opens the mind, it opens doors, it gives a person more than one option when approaching a problem. Unfortunately while remembering the caring people I’ve met, I also got reminded of one individual named James Chevious. This guy was introduced to me by a mutual friend and he told me he had a contract with a book printer. The guy promised to have several thousand books printed for “The Great Reading Run”. He took several checks made out to him from the foundation and ended up producing nothing. I can’t conceive that a person would steal from so many kids. The board of directors rallied and we managed to get the funds to print the books. I feel that I’m fulfilling my purpose on this planet every time I see the kids enjoying the book. I will get a chance to see many more smiling faces in about a week. In the mean time our team will be diligently working to rectify the situation and print another set of books for more kids. This is a public notice to you James Chevious, It’s not good to steal from kids!

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