Day 71 Bristow to Sapulpa 26 miles


There is nothing like running in rain to get you running purposefully. My purpose for the day was to get to my destination without seeing baseball size hail raining down on my shaved head. It seemed to work. I polished off the day before three thirty. I even took a lunch break at a roadside gas station.

As I ran today, I didn’t see too many special landmarks. Of course, all I did was focus on the road. What I did do though was think about Oklahoma. It’s the state of sooners. I wonder how many people out there know just what a sooner is. In case you are wondering, sooners were people who used to get ahead of the starting line when the government had these things called land runs. At these races, a guy would shoot a pistol into the air to start the event then people would run until they reached markers stuck in the ground. If they were lucky enough to grab the stick from the earth, they laid claim to the land. So if you go back to my previous posts, many of the towns in Oklahoma were started by these so called sooners. They were the beneficiaries of these races to grab land. If you’ve seen the movie “Far and Away” with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman you’ll get Hollywood’s idea of what it was like.

I’ve got a novel idea. Why doesn’t the government have these land runs again to pull us out of recession. It could have all kinds of benefits. People could lose weight naturally and more organic farms would sprout. I guess the only problem is who we could snag the land from this time around? And, there is no gaurantee that the people would use the land for farming.

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