Day 100 Rolla to Cuba back to Rolla


The tough part of this journey is not the running. The tough part is when I am not. I got stuck waiting in Rolla for mail from home base. This waiting caused me to miss two great weather running days. My saving grace was the book “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair.

While the weather was fine in Rolla, it was not so gracious in other parts of Missouri. Yesterday Joplin, Missouri experienced the nineth most destructive tornado in history. I can hardly believe I was just there a couple weeks ago. The destruction and devastation is massive. My thoughts and wishes go out the people there.

I tried to contiue on my journey today but it didn’t turn out quite the way I expected. First I tried to intercept the package at the post office. I figured it was on the way to the next town. While I was there the rain began to pour and the lady told me the package had not arrived. After waiting a couple hours for the rain to die down I contemplated another dilema; run to the next town and try to forward the package or stay in town and get a proper start the next morning. The rain lightened up and of course I decided to go for it. As I ran, the images of Joplin swirled in my head. The thunder, lightning, and dark clouds looked like they were chasing me. Paranoia got the best of me and I turned back into town. The mileage must be run all over again. Oh the disadvantages of not having a support vehicle.

While running back into town, I decided to check the post office one more time. I learned that the express package did go out. I had to run back to the hotel to get the thing. At least I was safe from the elements. But oh wait, the weather ended up fine the rest of the day. Perhaps I am still out of sync. I guess it’s all about patience. I know I’ll get there.

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