Day 103 Sullivan to St. Clair 17 miles


I think this year has produced some of the craziest weather I have ever seen. Schools are letting out for summer vacation. Seniors are graduating from high school. You’d expect sunshine and bathing suits. Instead, I see people wearing jackets. It’s just crazy I tell you.

After yesterday’s tornado scare I didn’t feel too secure in hitting the road. But, the weather channel reported that the storms were over. Running in rain I can do. I even like it. So after breakfast I packed my things and returned to my gypsy life. Perhaps it seems crazy to put myself in difficult conditions but after being on the road every day, a relationship with nature develops. You begin to understand when the elements are going to be destructive and when they are just slightly agitated. It’s hard to describe the kind of understanding of the planet a person develops. I think people from back in the day had it.

My run was a straight shot from my hotel room to St. Clair. It was a short run and I was still ready to expend more energy. However, my stomach was telling me to eat. As I sat in Burger King chomping a veggie burger with fries I began to feel very cold. The sun was completely blocked out and my clothes were very damp from running in the drizzle. I decided I’d stop in St. Clair and wait for tomorrow’s sunshine. I checked into a small hotel, turned on the heater and I fell asleep. The matress was spectacular and I could hardly wake up for dinner.

I eventually forced myself to get up to do some work. What I found was a nice surprise waiting for me. I was informed by J.C. that Longo Toyota has jumped in to give us some support. Not only did their vehicle save us from the horrible accident, they also love what we are doing. Everyone here at Papa Didos Ideals Foundation appreciates their support. Thank you for the assistance.

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