Day 97 Lebanon to St. Robert 43 miles


What can I say about today; my second day without a support vehicle. I think I need to become more conservative in my estimations. Things might look tiny and easy on a map but the real world is very different let me assure you. I’ve had a full day to say the least. I’ll share my discoveries now since we learn something new everyday.

Waking up freezing on a bed made of pebbles is not very fun. In fact trying to sleep through a night in those conditions is not very fun either. However, if you are planning to run fourty-three miles the next day it can contribute to hallucinations.

Taking a nap under the sun on a nice bench might seem like a good idea when you are tired but, be prepared to deal with the sunburn. Once again if you are planning to run fourty-three miles in a day, this too can contribute to hallucinations.

Looking at a map and saying that doesn’t look very far is a bad idea. Try not to plan a long run without your support team.

Finally instead of trying to push to your hotel room and taking on the dangers of night, it is wiser to bite the bullet and find a safe place to rest. Otherwise you might end up running too many miles or worse, battling shin splints. With all the things I’ve learned, I’ve come to a certain conclusion. Running across the United States of America with a support vehicle is much safer and nicer than with a heavy stroller full of junk.

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