Day 155 Laurel to Nottingham MD. 22 miles


The countdown has begun. I spent most of my day running through Baltimore. I never knew the town’s projects covered so much ground. Despite the large ghetto, I didn’t come across as many homeless people as I did in New Mexico. I wonder why that is. With each social injustice and each environmental problem I see, my head instantly thinks of solutions. By no means am to saying I have the answers. I only have small actions. I only know how to do what is in my ablility. My actions might be small but they are meaningful.

When I ran out of the city, I saw my first street sign that read New York. I’m not sure I can describe the sensation that ran through my body. Perhaps it’s akin to giddy. I just know I had a permanent grin plastered to my face and a renewed spring in my step. The realization hit. I’m actually going to finish this thing. Right then a bird pooped on my back. I felt this warm drop hit, I looked up to the sky but saw nothing. From what I understand, it’s good luck. I hope that’s true. It sure feels like it.

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