You will always have support when you climb a good tree


friends and family at graduation A friend of mine in Africa wrote the message, “You will always have support when you climb a good tree.” The topic of discussion was the difficulty in finding support in the current economic environment. Those of you that know me know I have an unshakable positive mental attitude. But, being human means enduring hardship along with enjoying life.

walking with diplomaI received a degree on this windy yet warm spring day. It was something I should have already had in my hand years ago. When I left college, I did so with many credits to my name. When I returned I discovered that navigating the waters of registration, and school administration were not as simple as two decades ago. Every time I thought my paperwork was complete some other technicality reared it’s head. I ended up having to take some of my classes over again. Luckily the work was pretty similar and the road to success didn’t change. I earned a 4.0 gpa over several semesters. With a lone B to my name I graduated magna cum laude.

You might have noticed that life throws things at you in cycles. And at the moment things are on an upswing. Just as I reap the reward of unwavering commitment to progress. The foundation is reaping the reward of unwavering commitment to furthering children’s literacy. I’m happy to announce on this day, I just received notice, that Longo Toyota has renewed it’s commitment to support Papa Didos Ideals Foundation. It is the small victories that will allow us to win the war. It is the drop of water that creates an ocean. And, it is the small steps that carry us across a country.

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