Day 22 Avondale to Phoenix AZ – 16 miles


IMG_2722Yesterday I ran from Buckeye to Avondale but I had expected to run from Buckeye to Phoenix. That would have made it a thirty mile run. Crystal and my mom had convinced me to call the day short though. They figured I should ease back into my routine after the series of unfortunate events. I really wanted to push through but I’m glad I didn’t. We drove from the Garage to the Renaissance Hotel in Downtown Phoenix. I guess I was the clueless one in the group.

IMG_2709We pulled into the valet as the hotel had instructed. There we were greeted by Marty. She was enthused to meet us. What I walked into was completely unexpected. Two rows of staff with shiny gold pom poms were waiting to greet me. There was even music playing. I was floored by the reception. Everyone was so kind and cheerful. I ran through and gave high fives to everyone. The fanfare was enough to eliminate the thoughts of the catastrophe of the past few days. The hospitality did not stop there though. In our room they had laid out three sets of two types of snack packs; nuts and granola. To go with that they also set up fruits and put plenty of water on ice. I pulled down on the little chain of the blinds to reveal a stunning view of downtown Phoenix. Everything was five stars. But, like I always say, the adventure is made by the people.
I was able to use the time to catch up on many loose ends. The house took care of all our food and they left no doubt about their support for our cause.

P1020659I woke up this morning with some lethargy in my body. It was the price I paid for watching a movie and not placing my head on a pillow until eleven. Eleven is considered late for my body. Crystal and my mom enjoyed the culinary delights from the room service menu while I enjoyed leftover food. It would be a final meal for the trio as my mom would head back to California to tend to her own matters.

IMG_2776I hit the road a little after twelve. I was looking at a sixteen mile run. Even though it was supposed to be a rest day, I still enjoyed my run. With dark clouds, a light sprinkle, and a straight road, I would reengage the expedition. The scenery was filled with more cotton fields mixed with huge logistics buildings. When I reached the garage I found Crystal already hitched to the trailer and ready to go. I inspected our four new leaf springs. The rusted metal plates had been replaced by new sturdy black iron plates. Again our support vehicle/moving habitat was like new. The sixteen miles had flown by and my legs were feeling strong.

IMG_2765I entered the Honey House Bed and Breakfast invigorated. The cool air made me want to run more. I didn’t though. I rested. I knew I would be meeting up with an old friend that evening. I felt lucky because I would be visiting several old friends in the city.

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