Day 45 Exit 116 to Las Cruces NM. – 25 miles


Night skyThe raging winds howled. They were like spirits rocking the trailer to and fro. It was actually calming to me like a cradle. Crystal had a very different sentiment. The flying aluminum siding brought her no comfort. She periodically peeped out the window worried that it might hit the trailer as it danced through the night.

IMG_3474By morning all winds had subsided as if they were night spirits returning to the grave. I felt as fresh as possible. Moving at a snail’s pace, I searched for the items I use in my morning ritual. Glucosamine, muscle cream, green tea – check. I was without a doubt.
I had expected to run another thirty plus day but when I looked at the exit I realized I would be cutting a few miles out of the schedule if I stayed somewhat close to the freeway. There were a few barb wire fences I had to wiggle through but over the course of this journey I’ve mastered the art of fence weaving. I descended in elevation most of the day. The best part about that was gravity did most of the running work. The worst part was the pounding on the joints.

Barb wireWith a couple miles to go before reaching Casa De Rosie in Mesilla/Las Cruces I encountered the Rio Grande. I expected a roaring body of water. I was not aware that New Mexico was on its 7th year of drought. The river was dry. There wasn’t a trace of a trickle. I do pray for more rain in these parts.
Moments later I arrived at Casa De Rosie, run by the Lovely Rosie Martinez of German heritage. I was taken aback by her Spanish styled bed and breakfast. We relaxed with her in her courtyard by a fountain of running water. The casita in the back would be the place I’d rest my head for the evening.IMG_3493

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