Day 238 and 239 York PA. to West Chester PA. – 45 Miles


20150430_105500Even though the cameraman from the News Station arrived after breakfast my eyes still felt heavy. The interview was short so I had more time to rest before getting back on the road. I had become accustomed to the questions that were on people’s minds. I could probably conduct the interview myself. The cameraman transferred the footage we possessed to his computer so he didn’t have to shoot me on the road. Before leaving, he told me it would probably air four times.

20150430_124926I rested my body in hot bath. I poured large Epson crystals into the steaming tub to try and replenish some of my lost minerals. The large toes on both of my feet were black and blue. A few of the smaller ones were already regaining their color. The toes felt no sensation of pain. Of course, my muscles were another story.

20150430_153138Running out of the town was fun. I did notice that people in this beautiful state didn’t put their dogs on leashes. That was fine with me. Of course there were some with loud barks but none of them came in for the bite. I passed plenty of old towns. The taste of technology was absent from the air. The tiny towns had roads that circled a town square. The motorized riding lawn mowers were the most modern items and the inhabitants seemed happy to keep their emerald ground covering well groomed. The smell of fresh cut grass elicited a few sneezes but the scent was pleasant. It sure did beat the manure smell around the farms.

20150430_154300We took a break a few miles before Lancaster to watch the news. We had begun to abandon the notion that our story would air because we had been watching a live streaming video from Crystal’s phone. My eyes were beginning glaze over when our clip finally came up. Watching the story gave me a shot of energy. I looked up at the dark sky, and inhaled a breath of moist air, and took off. Crystal passed me and within a few minutes I received a text. It read, “I’m parked at a gas station seven miles ahead on the right.”

20150501_114532She had discovered an empty lot behind the gas station. The sounds of the neighborhood consisted of domesticated animals barking and passing traffic. It was peaceful enough for us to catch our rest at that location.

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