Day 45 Zuzax Road New Mexico to Moriarty 19 miles


Albuquerque is awesome. The people here have been great. I woke up pretty tired this morning but I got up early none the less. I worked out my upper body last night after my run yesterday. I couldn’t let the beautiful gym here at the Hyatt go to waste. Sure my body was exhausted but I couldn’t get to sleep. I just kept thinking about what I want to say to the kids at the elementary school on Monday. I’ve got this one shot to make a difference in their lives and I’ve got to make it count. So yeah, I thought about my goals, my mission and how I’m going to reach them.

I woke up at six in the morning and got myself ready for the day. I then arranged to meet my new friend Greg Henneman in the lobby of the hotel. Greg is a pastor at Central United Methodist Church and a fellow runner. He is now also the newest piece of this picture that is my journey across America. I was beginning to think that I was going to be crossing New Mexico without company. I’m glad I was mistaken. It was great to have company on this part of the journey. I even had mother nature’s cooperation today. Everytime it seems like it’s tough going the tables turn. I guess perserverance and endurance always ends up rewarding you. Today’s reward for not turning back on this journey is a new friend. How cool.

It’s always a treat to have someone to chat with on a run. There were no close calls with traffic, no run in with bulls, and all dogs were leashed or fenced in. The conversation was uplifting and I’m proud to have met this active individual. He is doing great work and helping his community. The miles seemed to just pass as we conversed on just about everything. I feel like we share many of the same ideals. Perhaps people of my generation have a certain mindset. What I find phenomenal is that when I meet other runners, they get it. They understand my mission. They understand the power of positive thought and positive action. Perhaps it’s because we know that we don’t go anywhere without taking the steps. I’m looking forward to attending service at his church tomorrow.

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