Day 58 Conway to Jericho 30 miles


I have discovered that Hawaiian Tropic lip balm is superior to chapstick. Being exposed to the scorching sun can really dry out your lips. When they crack it kinda stings. Well, for the first few weeks I was using the medicated chapstick. It seemed like it helped but man when I ate salsa or hot sauce, I found myself manuvering my food into my mouth oh so carefully. It didn’t help because the sting found it’s way to my lips. I went on a search for one of those white tinted lip balms but ended up choosing Hawaiian Tropic. It was like instant magic. My lips healed and the bonus feature was that it tastes good enough to eat. These are the kinds of things I discover out here on the road. I even put some of it on my cheek today as sunscreen. Don’t laugh, it worked!!

Ok, so the first 16 miles was a straight shot to a town called Groom. My friend Natalia stayed there and she described the feeling like being in a Twilight Zone episode. The place is home to the world’s second largest cross which you can see from miles away. I took a long break at the location of the cross and took in the spiritual vibe. It was pretty cool. I wonder if my friend Greg has passed this spot. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention today’s dog encounter. They were in a pack but I think they heard from my buddies yesterday that I’m harmless. Today’s pack of dogs were putty in my hands.

Back to the road. Three miles from the cross, I encountered Groom’s answer to the leaning tower of Pisa. It was a water tower that was leaning. The things you pass and see when you travel across this country.

My destination for the day was supposed to be Jericho. On the map, it was supposed to be thirteen miles away. I ran fourteen and discovered the town was non existent. And, if it was there, I didn’t see it. Believe me, I tried. Well, I put in my thirty miles for the day and the Richardson Ranch that stood in place of Jericho seemed like a fine place to stop. It was time to eat. My mom and I discovered a famous local steakhouse in the town of Maclean. Population 860. For a town with less than a thousand people, this place was packed. The food was fantastic, even for vegetarians. It was a good end to the day. Despite not encountering a soul on this day everything is good!

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