Day 114 Sherman to Lincoln 27 miles


I didn’t realize there were three couples staying at the Flagg and Farmstead. The previous night I had met Ray and Carol. Today I added John and Bonnie, and Darren and Denneta to my family of friends. I arrived to the breakfast table to find everyone engaged in laughing and conversation. Despite my gypsy lifestyle, it would have been nice to share the place with someone special.

It never ceases to fascinate me the way certain people are brought together at a certain time. Do you believe there is no such thing as a chance encounter? Why was I driven away from the campsite the previous night? How did the couples find the Flagg and Farmstead bed and breakfast? I don’t have the answers but, I am following the signs.

I had a delightful time talking with all my new friends and I didn’t want to leave just yet. Unfortunately I still needed to cover some ground. I knew I’d be facing another day of harsh sun but, making new friends was worth it. After a couple hours, I knew it was time for me to hit the road.

When I ran, the humidity in the air left my clothes soakedl. I had only taken down four miles and my shorts looked as if I just got out of a swimming pool. Oh my! I made a mental note to force myself onto a new schedule. Pushing on in the heat would have been ridiculous so I stopped into a tiny town for a refreshing beverage. The only thing open in the town was a pub. I wandered in and ordered a Corona. I was so thirsty, I devoured the thing in a minute. I sat in the cool, dark bar taking shelter from the heat. I felt bad just sitting in the establishment without ordering anything so I ordered another Corona and nursed it while watching a murder trial on the television.

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