Variety is the spice of life – 13 miles


bench pressVariety is the spice of life. Today the double workouts began. I felt energized and alert at the crack of dawn. My first order of business was to start the day with a light warm up. One set of one hundred sit ups got my blood flowing. Simple movement beats using a cup of a bitter caffeinated drink in my book. I think the crash is my main deterrent. For the most part I find that once the blood begins circulating each part of my body comes to life and most of my aches evaporate like sweat.

Speaking of aches, I am grateful to my good friend for helping me overcome a shoulder injury which has lingered for over a year. He performed some massage on my arm which broke up some scar tissue. I could feel the difference immediately but I had regained a range of motion which I believed was lost to me. Like building muscle, this liberation didn’t come without pain. Some of the areas which he dug into on the arm felt a soreness deep below the surface of the muscle. I was happy to feel the soreness because I knew my body was healing.

This morning also began with soreness in the legs but, as always, The flowing blood brought me back to life. I have often wondered how I could be better out of the gate. Today I pulled a double workout with the goal of rapidly building my strength in mind. I will see if doubling up on the exercise will speed the recovery time of my muscles.

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