Just training – 25 miles


Break in the woodsPeople see the end result. Nobody notices the preparation. We eat dishes after chefs have seasoned, cooked, and decorated the food. The chef did not just magically conjure up a fantastic meal though. We appreciate the product and perhaps in doing so we are validating all the preparation. I guess there is little glamour in the work, the sweat, and the tears. These days everyone wants things quick and easy. It is the instant digital world we live in.

Many of today’s people are adverse to putting in work. Of course there is no gain without loss. What do we gain when we make everything quick and easy? We gain time. What do we do with the time? Do we maximize the moments we are given? Do we use this time to help others or make this world a better place? In an ideal world the extra time would allow us to advance our spirituality, our mentality, and our physicality. It isn’t always easy though because of the many distraction vying for our attention.

MammaChiaI choose to use a trick that forces me to place my focus on a single item at a single moment. When things get hectic, I arrange my priorities and block out chunks of time which I devote to these priorities. It is the only way. Every now and then I too forget to follow my own advice. It is those moments when my running helps. I take to nature and it centers me. I get in touch with the earth and I remember my priorities.

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