Day 96 & 97 Orange TX. to Stark Louisiana 28 Miles


P1030113I woke up many hours before West Orange Stark Elementary began their classes. I wanted to have a smooth event. When I looked out of the trailer a heavy fog sat on the ground. Cold beads of water formed on my skin and I quickly closed the door. I sat inside sipping on a hot chocolate and planned what I would say to the kids. I always arrive at school events early. On day 96 the guidance system directed me to the district administration office which was several miles away from the school. I ended up arriving to the school at exactly 8:30.

P1030079I ran right into an amphitheater full of eager young minds. All eyes were on me and I had to jump right into the speaking and reading. From the moment I began the classes were a flurry of second, third, fourth, and fifth graders. Hundreds of kids passed before me in fifteen minute sessions. We settled into a nice rhythm and I shared parts of three different books for the different age groups. Chuck got passed around and the kids were able to ask a few questions. For sure this was a tightly run ship. The kids were attentive, inquisitive, and well mannered. I find that the students and staff at an elementary school echo the citizens of a community. I had to tell Dr. Tyrus Doctor he was doing an excellent job.

20141206_151325I couldn’t log too many miles on that day so we stayed in the city of Orange. For my pre birthday dinner, I chose to eat at a Mongolian grill. I could hardly remember the last time Crystal and I had authentic Asian Cuisine. We could smell the spices from the outside of the restaurant. After piling a metal bowl with tons of vegetables and tofu, I concocted a mix of teriyaki, lemon seasoning, a pinch of garlic, and a spoonful of curry for a tasty punch. Crystal surprised me with a green tea ice cream topped with whipped cream and a cherry. It was a wonderful evening.

IMG_0042We turned in early which resulted in an early start to day 97. The last day in Texas happened to land on the same day as my birthday. Happy Birthday to me. I was reminded that when I began running through the state, I was mourning the passing of one of my best friends. The emotion of the end of the state found the opposite end of the spectrum as I was smiling and jazzed. To top off the last steps, the ladies at the Jumping Bean Coffee Shop purchased a bunch of books. They also offered me a warm festive drink called wassail. It was a mixture of apple juice, pineapple juice, and red hots. It had a cinnamon flavored kick and it hit the spot.

20141206_142541A hop skip and a jump away I crossed into Louisiana. I thought about the obstacles we tackled and the great friends we have made. It is a certainty that we will return to the wonder state. In Louisiana I immediately noticed another change in scenery. I admit I expected more mosquitoes. I didn’t get bit even once. The air was still humid but the trees were sprouting everywhere. The types of trees were quite diverse and there was plenty of marsh on both sides of the road. The fresh air filled my lungs. The overcast day did nothing do dampen my joy. I ran with purpose and the day ended early. Crystal found a space at an abandoned market to park the trailer. She prepared me a meal of rice and tofu and she showered me with Star Wars action figures for my birthday. We rented an excellent video at the redbox. It was a food movie called The Hundred Foot Journey. It was a relaxing and fun evening.

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