Day 256 & 257 West Concord MA. to Plaistow NH. – 44 Miles


20150524_171622The contagion of running crept back into my body from being in the presence of another runner. It was just unfortunate that I didn’t get to run with my cousin. We had different treks to make on that day but I predicted that we would one day cover a course together. I thought a lot about the effect that being around other runners has on a person. I had heard that you should surround yourself with people you would like to emulate. The idea was that those around you can bring you up or bring you down. They can inspire you and push you to new heights. For that reason I asked others to join my journey. Because despite having resolve, a little inspiration can lighten a heavy load.

20150520_181945The beauty of the east coast had been the lush dense greenery that sprouted everywhere. The roads provided me with plenty of sounds of nature. I learned to pick apart the different bird calls while running. Some of them sound like they are singing songs while others seem to just call out for attention, and yet there were others that sounded like they were whistling at me. One distinction I noticed while running through the New England part of the East coast is the passive nature of the dogs. Many times on this trip dogs appeared from nowhere, barked, startled me, and knocked me off balance. This was not so in these northern parts. The dogs were all very calm, nonchalant, and relaxed. Dogs watched me run by and very rarely approached me. I wondered if it was the weather or the guardians of the animals. Like people, animals emulate the behavior of the beings that surround them.

20150525_171645After many thirty plus mile days leading up to my cousin house, Crystal suggested a day of lounging. I had still put on a dozen miles for the day and there were a couple of steep climbs I had to conquer. We found a grocery store in the town of Billerica and decided to put some food into our trailer. After acquiring provisions we relaxed with a video that was a gift from my David. The darkness came early and my body was enjoying the state of stillness.

20150525_181552Rest was the key to a strong effort. Again my body was ready to push a thirty-two mile day. On the last day of Massachusetts we enjoyed warm weather. I could once again run shirtless. It meant that I would be swift. I enjoyed the feeling of air on my skin. My sweat kept me cool while the sun gave me energy. I felt stronger with each step towards New Hampshire. The old buildings whispered stories of days past and I couldn’t help but imagine the area in colonial times.

20150524_175501We stopped at thirty two miles, just past the state line. I tried to get Crystal to try some chowder but she insisted that we should watch our budget. All the mishaps from the trailer were still fresh in her head. It made us ever more grateful for each and every generous donation. I thought to myself, “I hope I have been able to give as much inspiration as I receive.”20150522_180432

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