It’s Thanksgiving. It’s morning time. It’s completely silent. I’m sitting here with my thoughts and I’m reviewing the events of the past year.


It’s Thanksgiving. It’s morning time. It’s completely silent. I’m sitting here with my thoughts and I’m reviewing the events of the past year. It’s like a montage in a movie. Short clips just flash by; then poof! They are are gone. Today is a day to remember all the reasons we have to be thankful. While we sleep in and prepare large meals, others are cold and hungry. If you have the ability to do something, a small gesture is always appreciated. A small act of kindness can mean a lot to someone in need. Tomorrow people will begin shopping for Chirstmas gifts. It will be a frenzy of activity. But the cold and hungry will still be there.

Even today, I am thinking about how we can solve the problems we are facing. Mostly I find it all comes back to literacy. Education impacts every aspect of life. It results in a reduction in teenage pregnancy, crime, illness, and poverty. Now if you could eliminate those problems, you’d be giving a pretty amazing gift. So, when you are out shopping and looking through the video games, toys, and fancy gadgets, I’m asking that you give the good old fashioned book a chance. It might not light up or move around on it’s own but it’s still pretty magical. It’s a gift that will continue to give for a lifetime.

Happy Thanksgivng All

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