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Week 1 New York to Illinois


The discipline hasn’t completely gone out the window. It has tapered down a little bit though. I ran five miles on Sunday, nine miles on Tuesday and worked on my upperbody everyday. The legs are begining to feel completely normal but the rest of my body is sore. I guess my body needs to compensate for my lack of running.

While I ran across America, often times I wished I had more time to spend with the people. At times I just wanted a few extra minutes to get to know someone better. I’m obviously driving back home and lucky for me, I’ve made a few friends along the way. I’ve spent the past two days with my friend Mike Evans and his wife Judy in the town of Bloomington...

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The Journey Home


It’s crazy driving on roads and passing landmarks that will be permanently imbedded in my memory. I sit in amazement thinking, “I ran that”. Riding in a car feels foreign. I didn’t feel comfortable sitting in one for several hours. It was like tossing and turning in bed until I reached Ohio. Its so odd that it took me weeks to run that same distance. My connection to America and it’s roads have become so personal and so profound. The time spent together has forged a permanent bond which can never be broken. I question whether or not I’ll be able to top this adventure of a lifetime.

In the meantime I will relive the journey by driving back to the place I used to call home, California. I don’t know that I can say that with such conviction anymore...

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Nine pair of New Balance shoes, four hundred bottles of Powerade, two jugs of whey protein, three bottles of glucosamine, two bottles of multivitamins, a couple shirts, a bunch of socks, six tubes of sports cream, thirty pounds of epsom salt (lavendar and eucalyptus scented), one roadrunner hat, two armbands, two ipods, too many hotel breakfasts, fifteen states, several bridges, sixteen stops by the cops, three thousand two hundred and eighty-one miles, and couple thousand books. These are some of the stats and numbers of what I consumed on the trip.

Life changes after certain milestones. Often times we reach a destination only to find ourselves lost and disoriented. I try not to let that happen so I’m constantly planning my next step...

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