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Day 143 Pittsburg to Huntington 28 miles


Black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow. Everywhere I look I see black and yellow. I’ve heard Wiz Khalifa’s song for the team a couple hundred times in heavy rotation. This truly is Steeler country. It’s a proud city with a strong football heritage. They sure do love their team here. It’s awesome to see the way sport brings communities together. Every state I’ve passed loyal fans of various pro and college teams but I think Pittsburg tops my list.

In my rush to get to D.C., I’m surprised that I was still able to take in the city. I think that’s one of the good things about running. You can still catch little details here and there. One of the things I spotted was the Heinz name splattered all over the place. Catsup and steel; what an unusual combination...

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Day 142 Pennsylvania state line to Pittsburg 30 miles


Cheryl and Dakota prepared a breakfast pizza for me on this fine fourth of July morning. It’s too bad I wasn’t able to stay for the festivities. I hear they throw awesome parties. As I hit the road, I couldn’t help but think about America. It is Independence day after all. My thoughts went back to the time the founding fathers wanted to be liberated from the taxes of England. They wanted the freedom to worship. The idea I love the most though is the freedom to pursue happiness.

I want to know how independent we really are. It seems to me like we depend on foreign oil. We have become dependent on foreign manufacturing. And, with the falling scores in our schools, how will the kids pursue happiness...

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Day 141 West Point, OH to Pennsylvania via West Virginia 26 miles


Bed and Breakfast is all about the breakfast. I woke up this morning to a dining room full of guests and a breakfast fit for a king. If I didn’t write about Cheryl’s baked French toast I’d be skipping out on an integral part of the day. She began preparing the dish the prior evening and baked it in the morning. It was topped with a blueberry syrup which gave me enough energy to power me through my tough morning.

People are constantly asking me how many calories I consume daily. Now, I don’t count them but, I know it ranges from seven to eight thousand. So the best tasting items are perfect for my high intensity days. I compliment every breakfast with a large protein shake and juice. I keep candy on me in case I need a quick energy boost on the road...

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