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Day 134 Lima to Ada 22 miles


.One of the most important components of performance is sleep. Without good sleep our bodies get angry and rebel. At times the consequences are injury. I didn’t quite allow my muscles to go through their usual repair cycle last night and my movement reflected that fact. Not fueling up properly didn’t help either. I guess it was a double whammy.

I grumbled as I slowly put one foot in front of another. Eventually I found a pizza place and gave myself a boost. I knew my destination but I wasn’t sure where I would be putting my head. There was no hotel in the town where I was headed. There was a campground five miles north though. The drawback there was that I’d have to backtrack following a thirty plus mileage day. That didn’t sound appealing to me so I did what I always do...

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Day 133 Van Wert to Lima 29 miles


The day started with an event at the Marsh Foundation. Despite my aching bones, I made my way to the Marsh Foundation grounds. Kathleen and her daughter Rachel greeted outside and took me to the recreation room. I was greeted by two Lisas and a handful of kids. It was predominantly a male audience with a couple of girls. I was hit with some of the usual questions like “Where do you stay?” but, I was also caught by new ones as well.

Roger asked me to speak to him in Chinese after making the astute observation that I am of Chinese descent. Another boy Mitchell asked me to speak Bulgarian. I thought that was kind of a random question. Overall, the kids were great. When we finished the reading part of the day, we moved into the running part...

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Day 132 Ft. Wayne, Indiana to Van Wert, Ohio 32 miles


Cold Pizza for breakfast. Interviewed by Marsha McConnell of Fox news Ft. Wayne at noon. Took to the road at 12:30. Seven miles in flat tire.

I sat by the side of the divided highway pumping up my tire. I thought it would hold. I was mistaken. After pushing the stroller for a couple miles, it was flat again. Yesterday the right side went out. Today the left side let me have it. I thanked my lucky stars that I met Frank Dickerson back in Worden, Illinois. He has been in my thoughts lately but you can imagine it was much more today. I have officially gone through all the tubes he donated to Papa Didos. Thankfully I was able to get the tires fixed and running in a relatively short ammount of time.

I started up again. Base line pumping and hip hop running through my veins...

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