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Day 116 Bloomington to Pontiac 36 miles


I relaxed my tired muscles in the Vrooman masion after a great meal downtown. I slept pretty soundly in the huge mansion by myself until I heard some noise. After that I had one eye open. Since I didn’t want to sleep through my date with the kids, I had a difficult time putting myself back at ease. Breakfast was scrumtous though. An assortment of fresh fruit sat at the table waiting for me. I was Following that was a plate of scrambled eggs with chese and waffles with strawberries and blueberries. I devoured the meal and saw the time had come for me to make my way to the Scott Early Learning Center. I’m lucky it was only a couple of blocks away. I threw everything into the stroller, gave hugs to Robin and Debbie, then headed out the door.

I always get a kick out of kids...

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Day 115 Lincoln to Bloomington 33 miles


On the advice of a good friend, I went to bed early so that I could get up early. The plan was to beat the heat. I didn’t realize it was going to be hot at 8:30 AM. Maybe I’ll need to start waking up at four for this early rising thing to work. The stroller combined with the hot weather is slowing me down. But, I’m the one that signed up for this so I made sure my mini ice chest was filled with liquids and I made the best of it.

So this was the third day in a row that I’ve been pulled over by the police. They are always very friendly but, it seems people keep phoning in to report someone pushing a baby along route 66 in scorching heat. I’m guessing this isn’t going to be the last day.

Thirteen miles passed quickly. I found myself in the town of Atlanta...

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Day 114 Sherman to Lincoln 27 miles


I didn’t realize there were three couples staying at the Flagg and Farmstead. The previous night I had met Ray and Carol. Today I added John and Bonnie, and Darren and Denneta to my family of friends. I arrived to the breakfast table to find everyone engaged in laughing and conversation. Despite my gypsy lifestyle, it would have been nice to share the place with someone special.

It never ceases to fascinate me the way certain people are brought together at a certain time. Do you believe there is no such thing as a chance encounter? Why was I driven away from the campsite the previous night? How did the couples find the Flagg and Farmstead bed and breakfast? I don’t have the answers but, I am following the signs.

I had a delightful time talking with all my new friends and I d...

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