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Day 104 St. Clair to Eureka Mo. 26 miles


Hello sunshine! Please stay a while. I think everyone here is a bit tired of the dreary weather.

Today was so pleasant I chose to take my time and bask in the nice weather. I ran the rolling hills yet again but today I enjoyed every minute of it. I guess I know they are coming to an end. Like I’ve said before, every state has their own unique characteristics. They have unique smells, one of a kind landscapes, and priceless personalities. I feel blessed to experience each place intimately. I’ve had the opportunity to absorb the tiniest details of the states I have passed. The best part is that it’s not over.

Today while running, I literally stopped to smell the flowers. I spotted a cart with a rainbow of colors and decided to start snapping some pictures...

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Day 103 Sullivan to St. Clair 17 miles


I think this year has produced some of the craziest weather I have ever seen. Schools are letting out for summer vacation. Seniors are graduating from high school. You’d expect sunshine and bathing suits. Instead, I see people wearing jackets. It’s just crazy I tell you.

After yesterday’s tornado scare I didn’t feel too secure in hitting the road. But, the weather channel reported that the storms were over. Running in rain I can do. I even like it. So after breakfast I packed my things and returned to my gypsy life. Perhaps it seems crazy to put myself in difficult conditions but after being on the road every day, a relationship with nature develops. You begin to understand when the elements are going to be destructive and when they are just slightly agitated...

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Day 102 Cuba to Sullivan 18 miles


When you look at a clear blue sky you’d never think of a tornado. But, the weather is funny and clouds can move pretty quickly. I discovered this on today’s run. A huge shadow overtook me and blocked out my sun. The giant clouds weren’t the billow white ones that look like cotton candy. Oh no, They were dark and they obscured the view of the horizon. I was blessed to have arrived at Sullivan early becuase the weather turned violent on the drop of a dime.

A light rain greeted me upon my arrival and lasted all of five minutes. When it stopped I was torn between heading to St. Clair or stay put. I was partial to making a dash for it because I was restless and it was still early. St. Clair would have been another fourteen miles away and something was telling me to stay put...

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