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Day 101 Rolla to Cuba 25 miles


I woke to the sound of chirping birds. I looked out the window and saw clear skies and a smiling sun. I knew it was my day. I guess good things come to those who wait. Patience allowed me a perfect running day. Despite taking a turn which led me an extra mile off my path, I couldn’t have asked for better conditions.

The nice weather afforded me the luxury of taking a few pictures and smelling a few flowers. But since perfection is elusive, those same flowers seemed to be putting pollen into the air. I didn’t realize until after my run that my eyes were super irritated and itchy. It was nice polishing off my day around lunch time.

While my day’s conditions were ideal for me, the storms and tornadoes continued on in other states...

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Day 100 Rolla to Cuba back to Rolla


The tough part of this journey is not the running. The tough part is when I am not. I got stuck waiting in Rolla for mail from home base. This waiting caused me to miss two great weather running days. My saving grace was the book “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair.

While the weather was fine in Rolla, it was not so gracious in other parts of Missouri. Yesterday Joplin, Missouri experienced the nineth most destructive tornado in history. I can hardly believe I was just there a couple weeks ago. The destruction and devastation is massive. My thoughts and wishes go out the people there.

I tried to contiue on my journey today but it didn’t turn out quite the way I expected. First I tried to intercept the package at the post office. I figured it was on the way to the next town...

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Day 99 Rained out in Rolla 0 miles


Woke up to the sound of pouring rain. I rolled out of my king bed, rubbed my eyes and opened the curtains. Yep, It was a blanket of dark clouds. It didn’t look like the sun would be making an appearance in the near future but, I needed a few supplies. I wanted to do some maintenance on my body before suffering a breakdown. Like a car we gotta keep ourselves tuned up and oiled. So, I threw on my poncho and headed for the grocery store a mile away. Now a mile might seem miniscule compared to the mileage I acquire daily but let me assure you, when the roads are slippery and you aren’t feeling one hundred percent, it can feel more difficult than running a marathon.

The showers grew into a downpour. There was even loud earth shaking thunder...

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