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How hard can I push my body until it breaks?


How hard can I push my body until it breaks? Where are our boundaries? What is the absolute limit? Will I be able to push myself further than my body will allow? I’ve been meaning to write about my nutrition and training in preparation for my long journey. I’ve been asking opinions of doctors, trainers, and other runners. One thing is clear. I will need to consume an enormous amount of calories. Even then, I will still probably drop a couple of pounds.

The past couple of days my workouts have been all day affairs. I start with a run then I consume some food. I move into a regimen of weights followed by another run. The result of this intensive training is that some of the muscles in my upper body are sore.  It’s the price I pay for neglecting the parallel bars for so long...

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After the rain….The sun comes out


After the rain….The sun comes out. It always comes to dry away the tears of the storm. It’s funny how we don’t appreciate the sun until the rains pour.

I am forty-nine days away from the launch of my run. I have had to take my training into a gym because of the storm. It is sufficient for keeping my body tuned but it’s just not the same as running free like a stallion. Nothing can duplicate the feeling of being at one with the road: at one with the universe. It’s like the universe knows what you need and it conspires to give it to you. That is the theme of one of my favorite fables “The Alchemist” by Paul Cohelo. It is such a beautiful story. It is a favorite of anyone who has ever read it. I too follow the voices in the wind. I call it the whispers of destiny.

It’s ...

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Busywork makes me more tired than exercise


Busywork makes me more tired than exercise. I think it’s because the blood isn’t circulating through the body. They say things in motion stay in motion and things at rest stay at rest. What makes humans so special is that thing called the will. Our ideas create actions which lead to motion. Therefore positive ideas and thoughts lead to positive actions. Conversely negative thoughts and ideas lead to negative actions. But rest assured, the universe has its own police in this thing called karma. It’s like a cosmic Santa Clause. It knows if you’ve been naughty or nice.

My friends and I have been doing everything in our power just to get to the starting line. I keep pushing forward on blind faith...

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