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There are times when we feel conflicted. Pressure coming from different angles can cause muddled thoughts


There are times when we feel conflicted. Pressure coming from different angles can cause muddled thoughts. These are the moments I choose to run. It’s therapeutic for me on many levels. Firstly, it’s important for me to have a clear head. Through the rhythmic motion I’m always able to remind myself that negativity is counterproductive. This is especially true when I try to control things beyond myself. When I focus on what I am able to do, everything else falls into place. Secondly, the endorphins my body release cause a feeling of euphoria. I guess it’s commonly known as runners high. I believe the sweating body rids itself of poisons and toxins. I usually feel a lightness in my being when I am finished. Finally, I am able to relax when I am finished...

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I want to take a minute to reflect on the mission of The Papa Didos Ideals Foundation


I want to take a minute to reflect on the mission of The Papa Didos Ideals Foundation. Simply put, we were created to promote literacy to under privileged and at risk youth. This specific purpose is printed on section B of my articles of incorporation. The plan was to read to kids and give them free books. I envisioned caring parents joining me to help kids everywhere.

There is awesome potential in the fundamental skill of reading. Literacy is the answer to many problems. We often take for granted the ability to read. It is inconceivable to most of my friends that there are illiterate people in this world. But the reality is quite shocking.

I created this foundation for the purpose of making my positive contribution to society. I identified a task which I felt suited me...

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Sometimes one completed task can leave you feeling like you’ve accomplished a lot


Sometimes one completed task can leave you feeling like you’ve accomplished a lot. On the flip side, even though you complete a million errands, you might feel like nothing important has been achieved. Yesterday I had one meeting with Dr. Rachel Berkowitz from the hope foundation. Donnie, Christina, and J.C. were in attendance. We are different charities but our interests are the same. Both organizations desire to make a positive contribution to this world.

I can confidently say the meeting was productive. I was able to see and understand the program they created and how it will be implemented into the school systems. It makes me even more aware of just how interconnected we are...

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