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Day 238 and 239 York PA. to West Chester PA. – 45 Miles


20150430_105500Even though the cameraman from the News Station arrived after breakfast my eyes still felt heavy. The interview was short so I had more time to rest before getting back on the road. I had become accustomed to the questions that were on people’s minds. I could probably conduct the interview myself. The cameraman transferred the footage we possessed to his computer so he didn’t have to shoot me on the road. Before leaving, he told me it would probably air four times.

20150430_124926I rested my body in hot bath. I poured large Epson crystals into the steaming tub to try and replenish some of my lost minerals. The large toes on both of my feet were black and blue. A few of the smaller ones were already regaining their color. The toes felt no sensation of pain...

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Day 237 Gettysburg PA. to York PA. – 31 Miles


20150429_114047My body had been rising from rest later and later. The changing time zones were no longer an excuse. The adventure was nothing short of amazing but the monetary aspect of the trip started to weigh me down. I had spoken to kids about goal setting and how to achieve their goals but I found myself far short of the monetary goal of this trip. The idea gnawed at me. At times it climbed on my back and gripped my shoulders. Crystal had mentioned on occasion that on certain days I wasn’t myself. Perhaps the goals should not be looked at as interdependent. Perhaps the monetary goal should have had an achievement date beyond the run.

20150429_114656I unplugged the ipod and tried to listen to nature. I knew it would have things to tell me and signals to send. I took to the hilly roads...

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Day 235 and 236 Mt. Airy MD. to Taneytown to Gettysburg PA. – 39 Miles


20150427_132719It through struggle that progress is made. It is discovery and learning from mistakes that the soul is fortified. On the cold mornings the struggle has been to leave the sanctuary of warm covers. When I woke in a cold parking lot in Mt. Airy, my body was pulled from hibernation by a repetitive stream of coaxing. My gruff voice did its best to communicate with my sluggish body. It wasn’t a convincing argument but it did prevent rebellion.

20150427_133512When I stepped out of the trailer, I inhaled a breath of clean air. The cold burned the hair in my nostrils. It was springtime and life was supposed to be blossoming. The hillsides provided plenty of evidence for springtime. It was only the temperature that wasn’t in sync...

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