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Day 124 Seminole Alabama to Pensacola Florida – 22 Miles


P1030546I was surprised to hear multiple vehicles roaring by at six in the morning on the Spanish Trail Road, otherwise known as the 90. Our parking spot seemed like such a quaint out of the way spot when we decided to park there. Adrenaline pumped through my body and kept me from feeling any aches or pains. After a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs with grilled veggies on a croissant. The light buttery pastry melted in my mouth. Before I knew it, I was ready to take off.

P1030551The proximity of the Alabama/Florida border was only a couple miles away. So it felt like I had only run for a couple minutes before Crystal and I were snapping photos of the final border crossing of the first stage of four. I was shy of the outskirts of Pensacola by a dozen miles...

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Day 122 & 123 Mobile to Seminole AL. – 54 Miles


20141231_111142The last day of 2014 began with a run through the city of Mobile, Alabama. I gritted my teeth as I ran through the ghettos of the city. In some areas the stench of booze and urine hung in the air. Groomed areas were intertwined with rough patches. My sore feet pushed forward on the trek. I grumbled as I looped around the city to reach a bridge which allowed pedestrians. I never thought Mobile could be so big. The detour added several unwanted miles to my day.

IMG_0647Crystal had found a great place to park right before the bridge. She prepared instant noodles in hopes of receiving some residual warmth. We welcomed the heat even if it was momentary. Lunch was a quick affair. The bridge to Spanish Fort Alabama beckoned. Once again there was no wall to separate me from the speeding machines...

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Day 121 Irvington to Mobile AL. – 16 Miles


20141230_125411I must have had one of the deepest nights of slumber on this trip so far. For eleven hours I was pretty much motionless. I think I allowed myself the luxury because I knew the following day was going to be light. When morning arrived we felt no rush. As Crystal prepared breakfast, the scent of grilled onions and mushrooms filled the trailer. The veggies add extra nutrients and flavor to my eggs. I wrapped the protein packed scramble to my tortilla with cheese.

20141230_121119With the extra time on our hands we took care of some trailer maintenance. Living on the road has been messy at times. Also the trailer is best driven without too much water in the tank. I dumped out what is called grey water; it was the waste water that wasn’t sewage...

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