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Day 33 Vail to Benson AZ. – 30 miles


20140927_085515Cue the playlist. Today the sounds of the desert symphony provided the soundtrack for the movie that is this adventure. Chirping crickets, whistling winds, and various rattles kept my rhythm. Occasionally the screeching metal of the metallic training broke in for an interlude. Marsh Station Road rolled and climbed in elevation. What surprised me was that the road had plenty of people biking. They veered off on various trails. It looked scenic in all directions. Around 10 miles into the run I took a break for breakfast. It happened that we stopped on Papa Greene’s property. Not only did they call him papa, He had just won an inaugural 5k for his age group. What a crazy coincidence. He told us that had we not eaten he would have invited us to his home down the way and cooked...

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Day 32 Tucson to Vail – 22 miles


Miscommunication is the root of many arguments. We all think our own point of view is the correct point of view. What I’m saying is nothing new. But it is worth repeating. Perhaps I need to say it to myself every now and then. Do I take my support for granted? This morning Crystal expressed the sentiment that I don’t value what she does. What can I say about that? What can I do about it? Is saying thank you not enough? I will leave my point of view out of this equation. When deriving the answer I think I must not mix too many variables.

P1020779Despite a great sleep and a soothing bath, I ran on legs filled with lead. The verbal battle had drained my energy and I was not in a hurry to catch up to the support vehicle...

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Day 30 & 31 Tucson Medical Center & a run through the city – 18 Miles


IMG_3007Hatch chili’s on sunburnt lips feel like needles being twisted into my skin. I can only imagine the stinging that Crystal felt when she touched her eyes after chopping them for our breakfast. She screamed that hot coals were burning her eyeballs. Even after we doused her face she stayed red for a good portion of the day. We ended up finding a single serve creamer for her to soak her hand. Everything calmed before the one thirty appointment at the Tucson Medical Center.

IMG_2975I walked into the brightly colored pediatric center. I’ve noticed that when I go into the children’s hospitals they always have soothing colors. Many pastels and many primary colors. This particular center also had a tree and a lending library. Can you guess where I read to the kids? Of course under the tree...

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