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Day 17. Dateland to Hyder -20 miles


hydrating 2The sounds of trains chugged through the night as there were tracks next to the Dateland RV park. The surprising thing is that they were not annoying. I barely noticed the Southern Pacific cars. What did provide a nuisance in the desert though were the flying insects. Where did all the flies come from? Tiny buzzing creatures could not be deterred. The flies, while annoying, seemed tame compared to the bite of the, even tinier, mosquitoes.

MountainThe mosquitoes didn’t surface until the evening 13 miles in. Then suddenly, from seemingly nowhere, I was attacked from every angle while on the run. First I felt itching on my back. Then my leg. When I looked down, there was blood on my CEP compression sock. I realized they could eat my flesh through my clothing...

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Day 16 Welllton AZ to Dateland AZ – 32 Miles


Running with a red skyBack to back thirty milers. It is taxing. The outsides of my Sauconys’ fell apart after barely hitting four hundred miles. What is going on? Our budget has gone awry. Sure we expected a few bumps in the road but the challenges are flying at us every other day now. First there was the decimated tire incident- two hundred bucks down the drain. Now the ridiculous cell phone is on the fritz and my shoes didn’t go the five hundred budgeted miles. What is next?

sky of fireI share the hardships because the journey is just as much about overcoming obstacles and perseverance as it is about the fun and the sights. The real test here is; do I have the ability to take one more step...

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Day 14 & 15. Rest and relaxation at the Historic Coronado Motor Hotel then back on the road for 34.8 miles


chuck at hotelI love the Historic Coronado Motor Hotel. It was the first Motel in Arizona. It grew slowly over the years and is rich with history. Some of this history is told right in their own museum. Now Papa Didos’ books have a home in that same museum. Our little crew had plans to take in the town but the exhaustion from the multiple days on the road was much more powerful. Or perhaps the Historic Coronado Motor Hotel was just that comfortable. We did a quick radio show a little past noon with Lisa Smith for Big Blend radio and then fell right back to sleep. A little later we hit the Jacuzzi for a bit then again fell back asleep.

10606471_842679652431470_2717461449060878194_nI woke at four in the morning like I was jet lagged. We got everything ready had a quick bite at the Yuma Landing Restaurant then it was back on the road...

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