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Day 7. Ramona to Julian – 24 miles


CamelRows and rows of grapevines in the desert. Running on the Old Julian Highway was a real treat. It felt like I had the company of a Porche car club. The approaching caravans of the legendary sports car came in various styles and colors. Interspersed between caravans were bikes. There were plenty of sporty models but there were also the kind that required manpower. Every now and then, under yet another hot sun, someone would ask me if I needed help. The sights along Old Julian were ranches, wineries, and animals. I didn’t know we had camels here in California. Again I got to pick fruit right by the road. The two pomegranates I picked today were like baseballs compared to the softballs I picked yesterday. That road was almost eight miles of today’s journey.

Old car 2All good things come to a...

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Day 6. Escondido to Ramona – 23 miles


Spending the day running provides plenty of thinking time. The suffering and the struggle allows a close dialogue with the divine. It is early in this journey but already I’m learning, discovering, and transforming. We evolve on a daily basis but, because of our habits and the fence of society, we are often more slow to push the boundaries.

sticker at farmOften times I wish I had more time with the people and places I encounter. I can say Suzy and Don Maxwell, the Regina Del Palazzo B&B, and Escondido falls into that category. They were super sweet, genuine people which opened up their wonderful place to three tired travelers. Breakfast was everything I needed and more. The scent of hash browns led my nose from the bedroom to the dining room where a multi colored food bonanza awaited...

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Day 5. Oceanside to Escondido – 23 miles


trailI’m seeing the United States up close and personal. Last night we stayed in a rough part of Oceanside. What tipped me off was the Gentleman’s club a couple buildings down and the two crackheads fighting at midnight. My slumber was deep but the fracas still managed to arouse my consciousness. Earlier in the evening, we dined in the trailer on a feast of chipotle flavored rice and refried beans. Despite the trio of people, the boxes of books, and the stacks of stickers, the trailer felt spacious. The neighborhood didn’t frighten us, in fact it fueled our motivation for our work.

DestinationI woke up fresh yet again. Surprisingly my body felt no fatigue. Perhaps the regular massages, glucosamine tablets, protein intake, and proper rest served me well...

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