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Three months and four days till launch 13 miles

Westpark elementary I do what I do to influence future generations of kids. Since childhood I’ve always been known as the one with the master plan. I’ve never been one to tell others what to do. In fact, I am quite the opposite. Many times it can be a handicap as people who know how to speak up are often rewarded. But the rewards can disappear if the talk is not backed up by action. Then again I don’t want to bore everyone to death with the same topic day after day. So, the plan is to take you on the adventure with me.

IMG_1570 The guy over to my right is chuck. He’s a floufoo from the book “Where did the Floufooze Go?” He will accompany me on my journey around the United States. There are many wonders in our great country that he wants to see...

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Three months and five days till launch


Balboa PierWriting a blog is nothing like riding a bike. It is a skill that I find diminishes if not used. So here I am resurrecting my site as we prepare for another adventure. It’s not that I didn’t want to post, it’s just that I had a momentary shift in priorities. I didn’t realize my slight detour would take another couple years of my time. I had amassed a bunch of university credits when I was young but I still needed to pull it all together to receive some kind of degree. In three days time I will receive that degree. Along the way my commitment to the foundation has never waned. The knowledge gained from my courses ranged from nutrition to childhood development. Nothing was left to chance as there was a purpose for it all...

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Day 5 School and The Boys and Girls Club 0 miles


reading to kids at boys and girls clubWe are often consumed by the task at hand. Focus is key to attaining any goal but maintaining a good balance will prevent falling. I had to make a decision on how my time would be spent most wisely. It was tough to take a day off from the road but I knew an exam still lingered. I thought long and hard about how to manage my time and I figured out a way to solve my problem. I always say there aren’t problems. There are only solutions.

Of course I attended class and prepared for my test. When class dismissed I had to rush myself to the Boys and Girls club to continue my work. I thought a bit about the previous week’s event and I tried to remember how much I talked about nutrition...

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