Day 156 Nottingham to Harve De Grace, MD 28 miles


I can taste it. I’ve imagined the moment many times over. I’m not there yet but I’ve got destiny in my sights. I’ve had many friends of Islamic faith. A good muslim must make a hajj otherwise known as their journey to Mecca. If they take nothing, fellow muslims along the way must help them out. For them, Allah will carry them to the promised land.

I feel like I’ve taken my own hajj. Witnessing miracle after miracle has given me a certain confidence. I know what I’m supposed to do with my life and I know how I’m going to do it. There are many around me that worry about the how’s and the why’s, the dollars and cents. I do appreciate their concerns and perhaps if I were in their shoes I would feel the same way. But, worrying doesn’t help...

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Day 155 Laurel to Nottingham MD. 22 miles


The countdown has begun. I spent most of my day running through Baltimore. I never knew the town’s projects covered so much ground. Despite the large ghetto, I didn’t come across as many homeless people as I did in New Mexico. I wonder why that is. With each social injustice and each environmental problem I see, my head instantly thinks of solutions. By no means am to saying I have the answers. I only have small actions. I only know how to do what is in my ablility. My actions might be small but they are meaningful.

When I ran out of the city, I saw my first street sign that read New York. I’m not sure I can describe the sensation that ran through my body. Perhaps it’s akin to giddy. I just know I had a permanent grin plastered to my face and a renewed spring in my step...

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Day 154 Washington D.C. to Laurel MD. 22 miles


Woke up from Suneil’s floor ready to hit the trails. Suneil had already agreed to power through eight miles with me. I find my motivation to run increases if I have company. But then again, I guess I don’t need much motivation being that I do the same thing every day. I just get up and go. I put on my ninth and final pair of New Balance shoes on today; the new 880’s and we were out the door.

He took me on a trail that he usually runs alone. It’s always an honor when people share something like that with me. It’s the little things that I cherish. I loved running the trail. We had plenty of stories to swap during our run. We even told each other little unknown facts about mutual friends from childhood. It wasn’t gossip. It was just catching up and reminicing.

After we parted ways...

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