Day 31 Leupp to Winslow 26 miles


I was up at the crack of dawn milling around contemplating what time I should begin running today. I had a donut and a muffin for breakfast. Little did I know, someone had driven four hours, all the way from Phoenix, to come run with me. It was a great surprise when my phone rang. My new friend Jim was on the line and told me he was on the ninety-nine just ten minutes away from my hotel. I immediately told him to come on over. Within half an hour, Jim, me, and my mom were en route to Leupp to begin our run. He had read yesterday’s post and recognized the spot with the two dogs. We didn’t go near there. It was at a church a mile west of the intersection of Leupp road and the ninety-nine. I had no desire to get barked at again.

At the beginning of our run the wind was light and the...

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Day 30 Winona AZ to Leupp 30 miles


I woke up to the news that Japan was hit by a huge earthquake. My mind didn’t quite process it because I thought my mom said there was a flood there. It was only when I checked my phone midway through my run that I realized the magnitude of the disaster. My mind immediately thought of Nick back at headquarters. Being in the desert again meant I didn’t really have very good phone reception. When I finally got a signal I called home base to make sure Nick’s family was safe and sound. I’m happy to report that all is good in his camp.

For the most part, this day was almost completely flat so I polished off most of the mileage early. I wish I had an exciting adventure to write about today but not everyday can be action packed...

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Day 29 Flagstaff to Leupp Road 20 miles


Today we had a guest come run with us. My new friend’s name is Hoa (pronounced Hwa). He is a Flagstaff local and he was gracious enough to take me on a route that included the historic route 66. JC decide to capture some footage of us at the beginning of the journey. We thought it was fantastic that someone reached out and wanted to join us for part of our adventure. We would meet him later at the mall. We had a nice medium pace going for our run. Surprisingly the elevation of Flagstaff still hasn’t bothered me. I think it might be from all the underwater training I did before I started this run. Who knows...

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