Hey look, today is eleven eleven. Make a wish. Being that we are approaching thanksgiving, I wish people would get out and donate a can or two to the organizations gathering food for the homeless. Sure we are facing some tough times but there are some that have it much worse.
I am extremely blessed to have many caring people around me. I’m not sure where the foundation would be if we didn’t have such great support. Of these friends, I’d like to take a minute to say thank you to Todd and Kyle. They have been a strong force behind the Papa Didos Organization. They have been tirelessly sweating it out for our cause. It’s impossible to put into words the ammount of appreciation we feel towards them and their company Primer Media Group...
I am extremely blessed to have many caring people around me
New Books Coming in 2011
Rescuing Dizzy
In this story about friendship, understanding, communication, and forgiveness, Dizzy the famous skyboarder bravely helps free Ambi from a sticky tangled web in the forrest and the hungry Xaspri’s appetite. Despite differences in personality, Dizzy and Ambi quickly become great friends. They try their best to help each other as much as they can. When Dizzy encounters tragedy, he doesn’t let anyone know. It is from the lack of communication that his problems really begin. The two friends find their friendship put to the test when Dizzy sets off a chain reaction that sends him to the Darkland Towers. There he finds himself surrounded by strange creatures. Only Ambi holds the key to Dizzy’s freedom. But, she must forgive him first...
When the mind is cluttered, it is easy to lose focus
When the mind is cluttered, it is easy to lose focus. On a daily basis we lose our perspective and we forget about what is truly important. I’m as guilty of doing this as anyone else.
Unforeseen problems arise from minute to minute. I think it is the uncertain outcome which stirs fear and feeds it’s flames. We like to know what is going to happen. It makes us comfortable. Without this comfort our minds wander. We ask questions “What if?”
I look around and witness friends bothered by petty unimportant events. If we run around trying to control everything surrounding us, we end up controlling nothing. Or worse yet, we end up being controlled by our surroundings. The key is to master ourselves. We should learn to control our thoughts, our actions, and our emotions...