The Factory is one of those huge places which is broken up into many areas. There they manufacture goods for the rest of the planet. One of theresidents there, Prince Dee, is sent to work on the tenth floor. He possesses the imagination they need to recharge their workshop and get things back on track. But, it’s not all smooth sailing when he gets there. With the weight of the world on his shoulders, he overworks his young body. It’s up to theothers in the workshop to complete the monumental task of manufacturing enough toys for every child on the planet for the spring festival. Can they band together and get the job done? Find out what happens in “The Tenth Floor”.
Prince Dee and The Tenth Floor Coming This Month!
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I have discovered something very important
For months now I have been tirelessly training. I vary my workouts between 26.2 miles a day to as low as six miles a day. Not wanting to burn out on running as well as trying to preserve my legs for the upcoming journey I thought this week would be a good time to switch up the workouts to strength training and speed training. I have discovered something very important by doing so. I’ve discovered it’s not nice to neglect your other muscle groups.
At first I was loving my day of swimming, weights, and a marathon session of late afternoon tennis. I felt strong and very alert. There was definitely no trace of being winded. All the long distance running had kept my cardio at it’s peak. I could have continued forever. I had a medium sized dinner afterwards then went to bed all cozy.
When ...