Day 354 to 356 Dawson to New Salem ND. – 84 Miles


20150829_145240The night air had left the trailer chilly. Even the flies which had snuck in from the fields were motionless. I wasn’t fortunate enough to have fresh temperatures for long. The light fog that veiled my view of the dirt road did little to keep the muggy heat at bay. I consumed a thick peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast. I downed a cup of hot tea followed by a glass of water. I had enough nutrients to hit the road.

20150829_150401It took very little effort to find a groove. The traffic was practically non-existent. The only sounds I heard were the crunching of rocks under my shoes. The shoes on my feet had worn midway through the midsole. I was fortunate my road would be dirt for most of the day. I wasn’t sure my joints could take too much abuse...

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Day 351 to 353 Valley City to Dawson ND. – 91 Miles


20150826_110006Obstacles have kept things interesting. At times on this trip nature provided the conflict. At other times we courted the hardship. The thirty-five mile journey to Jamestown was a combination of the two. Crystal and I left the room at the last possible moment. It seemed the temperature was rising but at least a light wind blew against me.

20150826_120444The route wove through the streets of the little college town and took me to a hill that winded into country road. The hill did little to slow the pace for the day. It must have been the sense of urgency. Dust swirled each time my feet hit the ground. I saw hidden treasures and even stumbled up a yard with a hundred or so antique cars. They begged to be discovered and restored to their former glory.

20150826_154640After twenty miles my stomach began to rebel...

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Day 348 to 350 Fargo to Valley City ND. – 62 Miles


20150824_164555Our multiple loads of laundry carried us into the wee hours of the night. We washed our sheets, towels, bed covers, and of course clothes. While it was relaxing, it also consumed all of our time. Crystal and I found ourselves turning in at an odd hour of the night. It was a small price to pay for clean, fresh, folded laundry.

20150822_224904Crystal and I hit the dining room at 8:30 the next morning. There were many dining options available. It was the first time I saw a soda fountain available for guests. Folding the freshly laundered items took the rest of the morning. When I returned to my starting point, the winds were gusting. I saw one lady being pushed backwards by the wind. The city streets had very few pedestrians. Perhaps they were all at church on that blustery Sunday...

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