Day 329 Wittenberg to Wausau WI. – 30 Miles


20150804_121142My lifeless body remained unresponsive to my commands. My mind fully conscious mind couldn’t will my muscles to lift a finger. Perhaps the bed at the Best Western was just too comfortable. I felt like I was sleeping on a giant marshmallow. It was Crystal that managed to coax me out of bed. The soft whisper of, “Breakfast is about to end” was like a little charge of electricity that ran through my synapses. It was happy to feed the machine that would carry me 30 miles on the day.

20150804_122053I had good news from an old friend and avid ultrarunner. He was only an hour away from my location. He had just arrived in Wisconsin and was looking to join me on the trails. Unfortunately we were unable to sync our schedules for the day. Perhaps it would happen another time.

20150804_133231I was reluctant to lea...

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Day 328 Shawano to Wittenberg WI. – 28 Miles


20150803_112757After a few spurts of hail the clouds parted and the sun reappeared. We had plenty of time to relax at the Shawano Super 8 and we took advantage of every minute.

I peeked out the window early in the morning and saw nothing but clear skies. I consumed a few danish pastries and a waffle for carbohydrates but kept my intake light. I threw a few pieces of fresh scented sportswear and prepared to hit the road when Crystal gave me news that I had an interview with a local paper. With that news, I propped my legs on the couch, laid back and closed my eyes. I drifted off until Crystal gently tapped my arm. She whispered, “It’s time to check out.” The reporter had not arrived and I still needed to complete thirty miles. We made the decision to cancel the interview and make tracks.

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Day 326 and 327 Green Bay to Shawano WI – 38 Miles


20150801_114935Good Day Wisconsin aired while we ate breakfast. Crystal and I watched a broadcast from the Green Bay farmers market. We didn’t realize the broadcast was being shot just outside our window. After we loaded up and checked out of the Quality Inn we discovered crowds of people mobbing the downtown area farmers market. I never realized Green Bay had such a diverse community of people. Crystal and I looked around and there was every nationality out there selling and buying organic foods and handmade items. It was much bigger than the ones we were accustomed to attending in Los Angeles. I walked with her a couple blocks and parted at the far end. I crossed a bridge and made my way towards Pulaski.

20150801_115242I had run past a ghetto in every metropolitan city on this journey right up until Green...

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