Day 94 & 95 Beaumont to Orange TX. 33 Miles


P1030047Day 94 was one of those days that passed very quickly. I broke out a new pair of shoes to take some stress off my joints. The bottoms of the new sneakers felt hard at first but after a few miles of wear, the comfort kicked in. Just as I began to bond with my footwear, I stumbled upon Crystal. She had found a charming little Mexican restaurant that wanted to help support our cause. We were given enchiladas made with red tortillas. Typically enchiladas are a tad salty but these were perfect. Of course I judge Mexican restaurants by the chips and salsa. The owner started us off with light fresh tortilla chips with a sweet and spicy salsa. I wasn’t sure if my proximity to Louisiana affected my taste buds but, I swore I tasted a Cajun influence...

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Day 92 & 93 Dayton to Beaumont TX. 50 Miles


20141201_152411The unpredictable weather has kept me on my toes. Day 92 looked like a wash. The clouds covered the entire sky and the humidity was at a hundred percent. I could have worn a wetsuit and rode a surfboard to cover some miles. Running was not a possibility. I massaged my leg muscles over and over as I sat in the trailer at the Goose Creek RV Park. Our compact living quarters quickly filled with the scent of menthol and hot chocolate. The hard pattering rain on the roof was much like a lullaby and the temperature was cold. I had no choice but to take comfort under the covers. I read a little bit but my eyelids grew heavy and I slipped into a slumber.

20141201_153234Around 2:30 PM the pattering mysteriously disappeared. I looked out and saw my window of opportunity...

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Day 90 & 91 Houston to Dayton – 40 Miles


20141129_155108The lavish room at The Marriott Houston Hobby Airport was a nice holiday treat for Crystal and myself. I slept motionless for many hours on the King size bed. It was the nicest holiday gift I could give to myself. I needed a place to regroup and think. I couldn’t believe the support vehicle needed more work. While I rested in the Marriott my mind eased.

My return to the road on day 90 was not an easy affair. Nothing on this trip has been easy. As I prepared to let my legs loose, we discovered our camera was missing. After spending several hours returning to the hotel and searching for the device in our truck we started to notice a few oddities. I wondered why Crystal’s hand pump was in the front seat and why was the top of the center console ajar...

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