Play for literacy


low res floufoo family Many parents mistakenly equate reading with literacy. It is true that reading is the most recognized component of literacy but there are many facets to literacy. Literacy is the way we comprehend the world around us. For children it manifests in their play time. Playing allows them to solve problems as well as assert and apply their knowledge. There are children in other parts of the world which are literate in tasks such as fixing cars or peddling items. The western world is often quick to label these children as illiterate. The realization that some of these children are gifted beyond their years in their fields sometimes comes as a shock.

low res chuckAt Papa Didos we believe that education is the foundation of a happy and productive life...

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Variety is the spice of life – 13 miles


bench pressVariety is the spice of life. Today the double workouts began. I felt energized and alert at the crack of dawn. My first order of business was to start the day with a light warm up. One set of one hundred sit ups got my blood flowing. Simple movement beats using a cup of a bitter caffeinated drink in my book. I think the crash is my main deterrent. For the most part I find that once the blood begins circulating each part of my body comes to life and most of my aches evaporate like sweat.

Speaking of aches, I am grateful to my good friend for helping me overcome a shoulder injury which has lingered for over a year. He performed some massage on my arm which broke up some scar tissue...

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Stay busy to burn calories


low res coney IslandPeople often think the gym is the only way to fitness. I find the gym to be somewhat routine. Don’t get me wrong, I go when I must but, I prefer the outdoors. Fitness people are often divided on the gym issue. But really the end result is the only thing that matters. This weekend I did not log my miles. With the big event rapidly approaching wise minds might believe I should be logging massive mileage. Instead of running, I spent my time washing and waxing the truck and trailer that will support our impending journey. As I did so, my mind wandered to the first Karate Kid movie where Pat Morita unloaded tons of chores on Ralph Macchio. It was his way of teaching Karate...

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